Friday, February 11, 2011

2011-02-10 Sweet Birdy Love

"Love is a promise, love is a souvenir,
once given never forgotten, never let it disappear."
-John Lennon


Sweet Birdy Love:
Ham and Cheese Sandwich, cracker, sausage, apple.


  1. Hi mama,
    Found your blog thru just bento photo pool.
    Love your bento box creations.
    I love preparing bento for my girls, however, keeping bento dry is my problem. Can you give me some tips for that

  2. Oh this is adorable!! Happy Valentine's Day!

  3. Hi Grace,
    Use can use containers to separate the foods. If you are preparing hot food, you may need to cool down the foods to avoid the steam for maintain the bento dry.

    Hi OhayoBento, thanks, you too, happy everyday!

  4. what are the containers you have foods in above the birdies? need some of those!!!

  5. Hi Rachel, those are silicone containers from Daiso Japan (Union city, CA), it was a set of 5 or 6 different shape of containers. \^_^/

  6. These are so cute. I love your bento creations, your son is very lucky to have a mother who puts so much love and effort into his lunches!
